For Sale

My Gear for Sale!

Check out my listings on Reverb to see what I currently have for sale. I’m new to this but I like using Reverb so far because it gives both the buyer and seller some security about buying and selling stuff.

Use my Reverb Link to get $10 off of your first purchase of $50 buck or more. Who knows, maybe you can even buy something from me!

My Listings on Reverb

My Listings on Reverb


For smaller items I usually ship for free and larger items I try to charge the actual cost of shipping the item. The difference is that smaller items usually have a flat cost to ship them where larger items will fluctuate depending on what part of the country they are going to. It cost more for me to send a guitar to New York than it does to California.

I’m always down to buy, sell, and trade gear! I’m in the Phoenix, AZ area so if you’re local hit me up at

A little bit about what I’m doing…

I learned from a good friend that trying everything is key to life. He sparkled when talking about the newest golf course, driving a new car, trying out a new phone, eating at a new restaurant, or just about anything he enjoyed. Tragically he passed after a year long battle with esophageal cancer, but feel like I can recapture some of his zest for life by trying out all the different things that make me happy.

This blog is to allows me to get my hands on as many instruments as I can and help educate newer people getting into playing music. I really do like gear, but I can’t actually own everything at the same time so the way I manage this is by reselling equipment after I have featured it on my site and think I have had enough fun with it.

I write blog posts for most of my listings on Reverb, which will also include a YouTube video demo so potential buyers can get an idea of what the instrument or effect sounds like or how it works.